Welcome It is not an individualistic purpose driven life and there is one meaning of life and it comes from what drives us and it is inescapable and it is shared first by our entire cosmos and second by all life forms that repeat the patterns of the mechanisms needed to become who we all are. It really is:
The Meaning by Our Actions in Purpose of the Existence of Life!
In fantastic numbers, we are intrinsically connected and incredibly diverse. Now we see a reflection and it is all of our mass in motion in a beautiful and violent ballet ending with a new beautiful beginning. The time of assumptions nears its end as the answer to the greatest question we have ever pondered is now becoming visible.
Update 12/21/2016: I have changed my mind. The whole goal, of all of life, for all of us thinking species, is to eventually reach a point in society when we can all choose to sit on our asses all day. That’s the whole legacy. It is likely that when humanity succeeds in this purpose of life, the little futuristic brats will be completely ungrateful. But that's how it is supposed to be. Sh*t!
the author after this MASSIVE realization - 25 months after writing this essay! Amazing.
However, this achievement of an ass sitting utopia will produce creative innovations that will be amazing. Like having bubbles to float around in while ass sitting as our careers. I’m pretty sure Hollywood has already portrayed this society in an animation movie called Wall E (or something).
This is a massive realization. Imagine, after all these centuries of philosophizing, that being able to choose to do nothing is the goal of all the activity? Too much and not what our fathers told us. Let's deny this.
Someone else who apparently was trying to achieve the true and fantastic real meaning of life (ass sitting), but somehow became a healthcare and medical devices jobs creator. This epiphany is huge! A pun not intended until just now.
Kidding! The three paragraphs above were a complete joke to get someone to read about the real meaning of life. Or was it? The essay has not begun. From the @EndAllSufffering account (me):
In the constant motion of the universe that is effected by gravity and energy from its violent beginning, all mass, both of the astronomical and of the biologic born from it is proceeding through our spacetime with purpose. All mass is moving toward a violent and unstoppable transformation that ends with the creation of a legacy as a new universe of new life. We have a choice to watch and marvel and to participate in this transformation or we can stand seemingly still on this ball of rock and continue to describe ourselves grandiosely. A perspective we are very used to as if we are separate and superior to the unstoppable mass in motion that created and sustains us. In the vastness of the universe’s splattered and coagulated webbing of an ocean of galaxies and in the rapidly moving swirls of the seas of billions of solar systems within them, in the cytoplasm in each cell of living matter, programmed by billions of years of adapting by reacting to the forces of nature, lies a distinct collection of electrical activity that’s sum as a feeling only, nags at the subconscious of each human throughout their lives.
This muffled activity speaks to all life. For complex life like humans it may take decades to realize that it is themselves and that it is only biological. Its message is not supposed to be in our language, or as audio, because it never needed to be. However, it is visible to those who step-away and can then see the big picture. It communicates an ancient and essential message.
continued: The Conversation
Copyright Reserved, James G. Mason, 2014, October. http://JamesGMason.com
Freeze Your Sperm/Eggs? You
Should Freeze Your Thoughts Too
Humor: Zillions wasted!
“Idea: A man sells and freezes his sperm, and a woman sells
and freezes some of her eggs. The two sexes each make hundreds of videos of
their thoughts to their child or many children to come. Combine the two
components as a Dad in a Sperm and Mom in a Egg
product to be sold by I.V. fertility clinics to wanting mothers and
fathers who are for any reason choosing, or by no choice, living their lives
without a partner of the opposite sex. The women will have many videos
exclusively for a daughter and may have fewer for a son to be in the far
future. The men will have many videos exclusively for a son, and may have fewer
for a daughter to come in decades passed. Sell for big dollars to smart people
who want a challenge and mothers who also want a father’s influence taught to
their children.
The video compilations can be anything the potential
electronic parents want them to include. Like reading books to the future
children, or children orphaned. Showing the child a craft, a hobby, any
interests. Teaching the child how to play games, like chess, cards. Telling the
child the history and stories of his or her ancestors. A parent can play a
board game in a video, as one player, the child pauses his or her video after mommy’s
turn, then take’s his or her own turn on the same board game, and the cyber
parent has just played a game with their child. The parents gone from life can
have videos of their happiest moments, and of their saddest moments, of
birthday wishes, or celebrations of holidays, like Halloween while in a
costume. The creative possibilities are endless.
The possibilities are numerous if this catches on. Like the
loss of a father or mother or both would be a lessened emotional experience for
children and loved ones as the videos exist. When holographic technology is more perfected and available, that would make this product wonderful.
Copyright Reserved, James G. Mason, 2014.
5.9% Unemployment Rate &
Not Fooling Us Any Longer. Time for Truth in Economic Reporting We Could All Use
Wow, it is being announced our unemployment rate is now down
to 5.9%! This is about where it was just before the financial collapse of 2008.
How were you doing back then? Did you have a good job prior
to 2008? Did that job pay you enough to live on? Was that job allowing you to
be happy, like falling in love and having children you could afford to take care
of? Was that job of your choice, or was it economic desperation that brought
you there and keeps you there? How many incomes were keeping your home and life
afloat prior to 2008? Did you have health insurance that actually prevented
disease from making you and your family broke forever? These are measurements
relevant to me.
Not relevant to me is the increase or decrease in the
numbers of people applying for unemployment compensation insurance at our state
labor department facilities, for the first time in their lives, which is how we
get this 5.9% number we’re supposed to view as good news. Hell, I’ve stood in
the unemployment line three times in my career in labor. Is anyone counting me
anymore? Is anyone counting those who have given-up on the fight for a good
job, who for example have been trying to make-a-living selling crafts online
from their basement for three years, while collecting food subsidies from the
government? If not why not? Is the truth too depressing for the American
people? We are in the dark about all of this.
We honestly don’t know - we the common people - what is the
true state of our economy as it relates to our lives. We hope we can continue.
We pretend we will be able to. We hope those in government can do what they can
to keep inflation low, raise our wages, help us meet a standard of living that
includes, minimally, the list of living standards I apply to this article?
More about your condition of working and survival prior to
the collapse of 2008: Was that job you had a laborious job that was kicking
your body's ass every day, certain to
cause early arthritis, back pain, knee pain? Were you compensated for that
risk, all those years? Were you breathing in an amount unknown, or full well
known, of carcinogens and toxins that will ensure you die before most people
you know and love? Did you receive sub
standard pay to make the large profits of someone else prior to 2008? Were
those profits being reinvested in your own community?
Measure the amount of food being purchased/traded for,
including home grown, as it relates to our specific populations and the general
population. Then we’ll know how well we are doing. Then we’ll see visually our
ability to feed ourselves. Very basic. Food purchasing drops even 1.3% in a
quarter? That’s bad news. Food purchasing goes up, people are happier - as
could be defined by deduction of all the material things we need after
feeding ourselves, those next priorities in a life we are all familiar
We individuals should not have to flip through pages and
pages of internet web sites, or watch thirty minutes of financial news a day,
trying to make sense of greed and exploitation’s role on our lives. We should exploit
through technology, the existence of the Social Security number as a labor and
pay tracking device, that follows a citizen for a lifetime. Include in the new
ability of the number the tracking of periods of unemployment, of non working
sick days, of vacation time, of raises. Let factors of tracking include our
educational levels, our geographically categorized economies where we have
lived, our access to health care treatment, our children and other dependents
costs on our income, the health detriment level of our jobs as known to be, and
on and on. Let it track our economic gains and our losses, everyone’s.
Scary? Government intrusion? No. It’s just information and
not of your private life. These records are yours to keep, and one department
of our government’s business to track and record. Accountability. Transparency.
A measure that does far more good than harm for all of us. For the truth about
our economic condition to be available clearly to all, at all times.
On Naturally Corrupt Behavior &
the Presence of Religion - Morality
We don’t know who is corrupt. Worse, many of the corrupt
have no idea that they are. That so many members of our communities seem filled
with corruption and practice exploitation, has little to do with the amount of
the presence or absence of religiosity in our communities. Religion is born
from communities and communities are born from religions. But it is fact, that the
great majority of communities were created for the purpose of locality
convenience for the exploitation of resources and people, and then religion
found it’s foot-hold later.
The Quakers
experience a level of corruption in their flock, the Mormons have their share
of corruption, evangelistic Christianity has a great deal of corruption, and
just observe the religiously inspired corruption in the Middle East.
Observe secular corruption: In our corporations, our small businesses, our
common tax evaders who live next door. Does the later community have more or
corruption then the former communities? I think the answer is not really,
not very different. It’s clear to me the presence of a religion matters not as
a significant factor that determines the presence or absence of corrupt behavior.
It’s Natural Behavior:
We humans very naturally seek out advantages to excel in our
survival and happiness. That seeking helps us find corruption near our lives,
and advantages, more easily and more frequently. We find cheats, evasions,
obfuscations of truths to our advantage. We find the lies, and excuses that
aide in our denial, then redirect our morality toward continuing corruption
with a clear conscience.
We accept minimum standards created by uncaring and
un-empathetic politicians who are economically detached from our own lives. We
too readily accept these standards for treating our fellow humans, as the moral
bottom-line, instead of what we know in our hearts is the real moral
bottom-line (more than ½ of our Congress are millionaires). Best example is the
case of the minimum wage: in the Untied States it is a low pay rate which for
four decades now, cannot sustain a family, or an individual, but becomes the
moral bottom-line when a business owner is seeking to keep overhead costs
(labor) at a minimum - as if that behavior is perfectly moral. The movement to
change this moral standard is a movement of true benevolence for the entire
community, of creating a new moral standard that “raises all boats” in the
harbor of our community.
Answer: the legal/constitutional exclusion of the rich from
the easy ability to represent the majority - the 60%, the economically
struggling, by creation of nation-wide public campaign financing for
every office election, small and large. Call it “Amendment 28.”
Morality within a community changes over time. A standard of
morality is a modern standard, a hybrid of our past standards and inclusion of
new standards, of which we are in agreement. But the corrupt among us can
easily create those new standards, and unfortunately, in this modern world,
their economic position places the corrupt in a position to buy speech, to
propagate their new standards in our community broadly.
A non profit organization in my community means little
today. Our government has allowed the special interest group
(representing a minority which seeks only more profit, for example) to appear as if their mission is
for the better of all by allowing applications for NPO status to bypass moral inspection.
Inspection that could determine if the new NPO’s goals do indeed benefit the
community at large.
But our standard has lowered, and large money interests are forging
their appearance in the community as something benevolent, kind, with our best
interest in mind. When they do this, they are reinforcing their perspective, a
perspective coming from the need to profit more. It’s confusing for the
public when an oil company places an actor outdoors standing next to a oil
pipeline and listing a few of the benefits of their profiteering.
Only transparency and accountability can keep the evils of
corruption and exploitation away from our communities, and our influential
children. But we severely lack that ability, and the willingness to police all
of our corrupt actions, and those who have used democracy to place themselves
in the best position to increase the profits of a minority are drowning in a
pool of denial, they wish to share with us. Like having a belief system (a
religion) compels people to attempt to convince others their beliefs are
actually true things.
Liberals like me have been trying to communicate the following for years. The philosophy of taxation's effect on all of us, rich or poor, is infrequently understood and many false assertions come from this misunderstanding. Warren is actually speaking (video below) about a type of person, with a particular standard of morality. I think these people she is pointing her finger at are those who never properly learned to share in childhood, and so never learned that because we share we all benefit. They then take for granted, for rest of their lives, that the resources they need to succeed will continue to "fall from the sky," and so "Why share?"
They are the exploiters, who often get rich by using our resources, and unreasonably they then scream for less government, as they are under a delusion inspired by greed that they themselves had not been hoisted into their comfortable leather seats by taking advantage of our government. A government through which we collectively chose to provide the resources they have used. Warren is speaking below about an ethic that is harming us all. This corrupt ethic also brings us corporations in America with little loyalty to their communities, the first corporations to out-source our communities to their economic death.
Elizabeth Warren understands liberal philosophy and has an eloquent description to aid in understanding the core of one of our most pressing economic issues. If she runs for president, I'll support her over anyone in current contention for the office. See video.