1. I'm sick of both the pedestrian and driver deaths and the wild and domestic animal horror and carnage on our roads and highways. I'm especially sick about it because we do so little to stop it. We can bring the bloodshed and vehicle and driver destruction almost to a halt right now using technology found almost anywhere. Motion sensor technology is now cheap and abundant. We could intall it on every stretch of highway at a fraction of the time and cost of hundreds of thousands of miles of fencing. We should line the perimeters of our roads and highways with motion sensors that signal a warning light to drivers in both directions of traffic for two thousand feet that an animal is near the highway or road, like a flashing yellow caution light. They could be solar powered like many roadside emergency call boxes. They could send data to the state highway authorities so that fences could be built where animal traffic is high. They could report data to a public web site so interested animal lovers and drivers can understand the animal hit danger areas in their communities. We should even consider adding spot lights that follow the animals into the road until they have left.
One of the ways our race will be determined civil and fit for contact and inclusion of trade by the neighbors of our galaxy is our ability to extend our human rights to our lower life forms.
2. Why everyone isn't a registered organ and or bone marrow donor, I don't fully understand. Perhaps it is the personal relationship with the body that non donors fear? Is it a spiritual connection to the organs "within my temple" that prevents them from being benefactors to the sick and dying in their own community? Is the disembodiment of one's organs on a surgical table after one is dead a future assault? Does it feel like personal crime prevention to resist volunteering organs?
Bone marrow donation is a living donor process requiring a hospital stay. There used to be pain and discomfort involved, twenty years ago, but not much worse than a dentist visit now. But the rumor of this pain persists, contributing to fear of donation.
Minority donors are especially needed in the donor pool, and because of this a minority donor can almost assuredly know that his or her donation will be used soon if not immediately.
3. If this nation doesn't come together and pass a new constitutional amendment to change the status quo of American election campaign spending, money raising and politicking we will be f-d as a nation! The headline of the amendment should be called Public Campaign Financing.
4. The Obama administration has recently announced plans to dramatically reduce military spending. I was thrilled by the news, as I felt as if something I had been waiting for since I was a six year old was finally going to happen: I was just
starting to read when I was traveling with my mother one day in 1968. I spotted a big purple bumper sticker with allot of white lettering on the car in front of us. Being the bumper sticker had too many big words for me, I asked my mother to read it for me, and she was glad to "It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber." I repeated the words several times during my mother's explanation of the social ramification of the message. I was then and am still a concept and imagery learner, so these words were learned quickly on that day and never forgotten. I hope you can remember them.