1. Too bad not one of the charges against Saddam included any of the several contacts and cooperative deals with the Reagan and Bush I administrations. Gee what a coincidence.
2. NYT: " In His Death, as in Life, Hussein Divides Iraq Sects 3:19 PM ET. When will the NYT be through hiring high school juniors to write Headlines? Saddam held the sects together within Iraq, to the point where after nearly 30 years of his dictatorial rule, many Sunnis were married and or doing business with Shites, and thinking nothing of it! Morons.
3. It was reported that Saddam's face was severely bruised and bloody. What happened? Fell down some stairs accidently in front of a live video feed to the White House, accidently?
4. Worse case of Kangaroo court justice, seen on the international front, since umm I don't know. Speedy and vindictive selective justice is not Justice by any decent Western Republic definition. Shame on all concerned.
5 Hanging is a fairly humane death. It's usually over fast, lights out instantaneously. Kind of merciful for all the talk from the vengeance blowhards. Maybe they just don't know it. Death by NYC roach bites in a crowded tenement building would have been far more horrific.
6. You want punishment? Make Saddam sit in a 5x8 cell for 30 years to life. Living is largely pain by definition. Without the entertainment of course. Well okay, let him play several video game titles: Operation Just Cause; Iraqi Invasion, Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers, lead a team of Seals through a fictional city in Iraq, death of civilians is frowned upon, but allowed.
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