reading popularly now . .

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.
4.28.16 request for communication answered. Undeniable circumstance and physical evidence.

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020
Also from me: Welcome to the 21st Century and the Greatest Discovery Since Fire.

NASA and the metallic looking glove with their insignia

NASA and the metallic looking glove with their insignia
NASA had a hand in this. They must have met the Being, Satan, and struck a deal for ...

World Radiation Report

World Radiation Report
They are warning us by using this TIME TRAVELED IMAGE. I'm certain now, that's a global radiation report. The end will happen.

2 undeniably related communications.

2 undeniably related communications.
2 undeniably related communications

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!
Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery
True: Successful before it was created, Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery


(5) Stellar Nucleosynthesis: The Meaning by Our Actions in Purpose of the Existence of Life

In star death the elements (the star dust) of life that each exist inside of everyone, then has a chance to create and sustain biologic matter that we define as "life." By accretion of the elements on the new planetary body and the motivating force of gravity that is charged by the electro-magnetic energy of the star’s emission of electrons. In planet formation when nebula cooling has well begun for over several hundred millions of years, planetary bodies form from the elements that are both free and attached to other elements. The bodies are drawn toward masses that are creating the most gravity and have a shape and other characteristics which allow accretion (the clumping together of similar shapes and consistencies of masses of objects). These bodies are meteors, meteorites, asteroids and spherical planetary bodies. Many bring water (hydrogen) as ice (outer space is very cold) to the protoplanet by gravity motivated collision. Additionally, these bodies also bring all of the elements we currently know of to the protoplanet based upon their mass, their velocity and their locations in time when nearing the space of a larger planetary body. In time when collisions (or bombardment) have become infrequent the protoplanet cools and life begins to continue to exist and multiply, its purpose (hint). Because the position of the new planet is established by the gravity of all of the mass provided in the new solar system, the central star (or stars) being the largest mass and so having the strongest gravity, the planet most likely to form life such as ours, is one that has settled into a stable gravitational orbit at a distance within the range of a star that allows for just enough warmth and cooling. A veritable womb of the star from a certain range of distance sustains the growth of biologic matter as we know it to be on Earth, the third solid planet from the sun.

In our galaxy the majority of solar systems form around two stars called binary star systems. Before Sol’s existence as one star our preceding solar system was a binary system before those two stars created a supernova more than 4.6 billion years ago.

They were a perfect pair, a very dense white dwarf parked in a battle of gravity next to a star that was similar to Sol but larger, and it was close enough to absorb the smaller dwarf star’s energy at a growing rate of absorption over the course of billions of years. The smaller and more dense dwarf ate the plasma of the “regular” star resulting in both stars exploding in a tremendous type 1-A hyper-nova. Giving rise to the nebula that became our solar system. In a gravitational and heat fueled battle lasting hundreds of millions of years, stars small and large formed and then collided and there was eventually a winner. A central star in solitude to which the remnant elements and planetary bodies gathered around in a disk shape and circled and collided and found their places in orbit as they are now. Now we have in our local space a single star. It could be called a single parent to sustain our energy. Sol is the stellar child of a spectacular hyper-nova. The Sun (Sol) will expand nearing the time of its death, in about 5 billion years, as a Red Giant so large its diameter may envelope the Earth.

Above: A recently discovered and rare type-1-a hyper nova in progress and nearing its day of transformation. The elements released and then created by transformation from this category of super nova may be very similar to Sols' elements. Our elements.

Our measured and visible observations can not allow us to deny that the image above of a hyper-nova is an image of a reproductive act of mass and energy. Yet we still are considering ourselves different from the cosmos. No good reason but to think of ourselves as special and separated from our intrinsically connected bond to all of the purposeful actions of the universe.

Energy and mass transformed as a new cycle of mass and energy continues.

continued to get-it: Fertility in Space as Life Spreads to page 6

continued - Fertility in Space as Life Spreads


A 1/2 hour astrophysics presentation that beautifully describes the role of stars and the elements in our lives, in spreading life, in sustaining life: From Dan Kocevski: “My talk at Nerd Nite San Francisco on August 15th, 2012 on stellar nucleosynthesis and the origin of all the elements in the Universe.” Please Return!

Time Travel Wish:
my discovery using the internet
in 2014 that continues today

An amateur science experiment in time travel communication; conducted with hope and successful before it was created (the instant (concept) it was produced). 

Validated by the experimenter and validated by The Team to have been successful. Contact by full communication was achieved on 04.26.2018.

As a prescience discovery, I cannot get anyone to look. I have no collegiate credentials. No career. No friends. A family that ignores all that has happened to me. A world of hopeless people who won't take the time to investigate both the amazing circumstantial and the physical evidence that indicates I have made the First Contact with an advanced race and I have made myself the target to validate to two separated timelines the successful transfer of matter into our timeline: Timeline B. 

 Time Travel Wish and Paradox One

Copyright Reserved, James G. Mason, 2014, October.

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