reading popularly now . .

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.
4.28.16 request for communication answered. Undeniable circumstance and physical evidence.

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020
Also from me: Welcome to the 21st Century and the Greatest Discovery Since Fire.

NASA and the metallic looking glove with their insignia

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NASA had a hand in this. They must have met the Being, Satan, and struck a deal for ...

World Radiation Report

World Radiation Report
They are warning us by using this TIME TRAVELED IMAGE. I'm certain now, that's a global radiation report. The end will happen.

2 undeniably related communications.

2 undeniably related communications.
2 undeniably related communications

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!
Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery
True: Successful before it was created, Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery


(6) Fertility in Space as Life Spreads: The Meaning by Our Actions in Purpose of the Existence of Life

A single solar system does not spawn or accumulate biologic matter on its own it has a lot of help from it’s much larger environment of outer space. Since the birth of this solar system 4.7 billion years ago, this system has circled the center of this galaxy in orbit 20 times (image below). Picking up bits of life on each full orbit, each lasting approximately 232 million years.

To imagine this time: over 116 million years ago when dinosaurs were approaching their most abundant period on Earth, we and most of the solar systems in our proximity existed on the opposite side of this galaxy.

During these ever turning journeys our solar system moves through other nebula and colliding planetary bodies, the remnants of exploding stars and seemingly errant asteroids and meteors. We orbit through the frozen remnants of other planet’s collisions and we may be passing through or very near other stellar nurseries like our system and others used to be. In this manner we also we pick-up many other solar systems varying elements and varying forms of life and the raw ingredients for life to form from all over the Milky Way galaxy.

It is hypothesized that our solar system may have attracted small planets on these immense trips around the massive black hole at the center of our galaxy. We may soon find several of these hitchhikers of the galaxy.

Imagine the millions of ways the universe provides fertility and so spreads life. Our gravity attracts on these trips and we are relatively obnoxious tourists. Any planetary bodies or gaseous mass not already traveling with our gravitational attraction is a potential contact on these long trips. All of it is a potential life contact.

Now imagine that because of this diversity in our manner of accumulating life and the elements that form life, that our basic form has become common in the Milky Way Galaxy as an evolutionary winner on rock worlds that have basic similarities in physics (the mechanisms) and the elements brought by the astrophysics of stellarnucleosynthesis to Earth.

Imagine (because we have to until we see), that perhaps the science fiction writers were on to something; Our basic DNA is shared. Four limbs and a head with a central nervous system at the top may be common by galactic orbital seeding by collision with planetary bodies large and small from all over this galaxy and during the billions and billions of years for these collisions to occur in many ways of the astrophysics of universes and the billions of galaxies within. It strongly appears that galaxies may be giant high-end industrial kitchen life blenders on chop and collide setting. A purposeful motion where every action in that motion will have a purpose, and those actions in purpose have a meaning to all thinking species everywhere.

You see in my graphic above an educated guess. This is a guess that many great science fiction writers have included in those wonderful stories of what may be in our future. Green people would be acceptable to us so long as they have heads and arms and legs and so can speak to us and shoot ray guns. Giant blobs of biologic matter that speak to us and do amazing things are further from our acceptance but do make great villains and god-like beings for our stories. Further along in this essay there will be mention of the gene sequences in life on Earth that make this shape likely for evolved beings on rock worlds that have to combat gravity and atmospheres similar to our planet.

In clusters of a coagulated web of oceans of galaxies and in a cosmic gravity and elemental bond we exploit each other’s proximity.

Frog’s eggs in Lee’s pond. 3/20/2016 The exploitation of proximity:

These eggs gathered by no choice of their own protect each other in this very chilled water that is only expected to last seasonally. Some of these eggs won’t make it.

The multiverse.

Pia - 6881-673

continued - Biologic Purpose for Our Actions

Below: What we humans currently theorize is the true story of the formation of this universe in about 5 minutes. Return to get it!

A great Public Broadcasting Service / Space Time production that shows wonderfully the protoplanet disk in stellar nucleosynthesis: 

Copyright Reserved, James G. Mason, 2014, October.

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