All projects currently in the mixer:
Not necessarily in order of creation or priority.
11/05/2015 Whoah!! Gave up on this business idea by September. Too f*cking REAL. Perhaps later if I have even MORE evidence of the fantastic, the credible. See website or See G+ page at:
Images and videos. HISTORY MAY HAVE BEEN CHANGED. WE MAY BE IN AN ENTIRELY NEW TIMELINE. In "NOWTIME." What have I done? Too much for most but not for ME. I was ready. I have processed the amazing. - James out!
5/21/2015: Am claiming this site successful. Too much photographic evidence. Coincidences in life - not coincidences (no such thing anymore - old word). Too many relationships in my past are related to this website.
no. 1-A the End All Suffering foundation: .com .biz and many other domains.
Several accounts secured on major SN's .
G+ Community. Everyone scared or thinks it is another nutty dream of someone. :-) 7/15/15
Possibly never 7/7/15 My off again, on again, attempt to walk the roads of this entire nation. Get back to our community. Get to know it and myself better. Rocky starts and stops due to several unforeseen circumstances in 2014. Tuvok was stricken with lyme disease in mid July, had to stop trip completely. 9 nights were spent on the road with Tuvok. 5 withdrawals from the trip. Readying for several week-long journeys, in 2015. 5/21/15 Sprained ankle from March of this year still not healing. Trip may have to be postponed this year. Tuvok very vulnerable to Lyme disease - as he got sick at the end of last summer.
Cabo: The taxi hailing safety wand: Raise funds to have injection mold plans/blueprints made. Raise 5 k for first (sample) production of 300 units.

Public-Campaign-Financing.Org Weblog. Additionally, Google Community. Since 2012. Huge concern. Favoring State by State constitutional conventions to proceed without congress. Want to work with WOLFPAC.Org, have said I would volunteer, and have not shared email with them yet, nor committed to anything. Addendum 3/11/2015. Constitutional Conventions is thinking way too far ahead - this whole concept is far from being fully understood by the population. Language focus on 3 words.

Finish Destiny. Now has an ending. Block for almost 2 years now. Began new rewrite in August, 2014. Website goes to EAS purchaser. 3/11/15 Weblog taken down for EAS domain sales purposes. New page on this account. 5/21/2015: Have a great ending. It's me. But not the science fiction character any longer. This book gets completely rewritten. Soon.
Finish short story. Before More Come - 4th edit completed. Dialogue being rewritten. As of 11/8/2014. Secret. Rough draft:
Raise $100,000 to re start Radio Free Monterey, in Monterey. [move back]. Enlist the old crew. Claim RFMs' place in pioneering early internet history. Verify claim with Redshift internet services. Monterey Peninsula Herald, 1998. Who's Who, 1998-99.
Sell DangerousVacations.Com .biz .co and others. $5,000 current asking price at auction. 24/7 renewal. No longer selling domain names.
Finish short story, The New and Old Story of a Man Named Valentine, before end of December, for Valentine's Day publication. Missed 2015 Valentine's Day.
Revise and promote this essay as a short creative nonfiction. Promote as the alternative to all selfish answers, of the great question. 3/11/15 Rewrite. 12% additional content. Goal: make it even simpler, then, make it even simpler to GET. Customized for the short attention span reader based on recent IT analytics reporst. 4/2015 Rewrite.
Continue Twitter hashtag campaign on @EndAllsuffering for sale promotion of EAS - only. No directs. No longer for sale.
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