A lot of people in our country think that because something is legal it must be moral. Far from true. Example is a television show called Storage Wars where the stars are tattooed beer bellied scavengers who take advantage of the unexpected losses and failures in the lives of poor people. The motto of the goods grabbers is “Don’t pay your bills we’ll take your stuff!” Most of the storage unit renters, by economic causes beyond their control, have for reasons of food verses storage rental, become rental delinquents. We have all passed the concrete cubicles in our cars, storage prisons surrounded by electrified chain link fences, that to many represent the always losing and ever struggling Poverty Wars.
The whole context of the show is immoral. The stored goods of poor people are auctioned off to strangers. Anyone enjoying this show is either immoral or just too stupid and ignorant to realize when immorality is practiced right under their noses. The winners of these auctions are happy with glee to forage through poor people’s stuff, 99% of which is thrown out, and the show follows every happy moment except those precious moments when poor people's photo albums are thrown in the trash.
If you consider yourself a moral person don’t buy a storage rental compound because you’ll frequently have to make a moral decision whether to sell off the many boxes of someone’s lost dreams, or put it all outside somewhere, like underneath a carport. But if you consider that anything legal you can get away with must be moral, then go ahead and buy one these poor people’s container compounds, you immoral scumbag.
There are a lot of activities that are legal but immoral - here is a short list: It’s immoral and legal to sell cigarettes knowing full well that most of the population of smokers will be killing themselves slowly. It’s a legal offense to all to immorally dodge one’s fair share of taxes. Billing Medicare for something just because the health care providers say it happened and patients won’t check their itemized billing anyway, is immoral. It is immoral to own a bar or lounge miles outside of town with a parking lot that holds the cars of 50 likely drunk drivers. It is legal and immoral to buy a pedigree dog while thousands of perfectly healthy lovable dogs are put to death daily. It is legal and immoral to sit back while your nation begins a clearly unnecessary war that kills thousands. It is legal and immoral to cut back funding for social services based on political hypothesis.
In the minds of the storage unit vultures someone is going to buy this stuff anyway, so why not us! Following the actions of immoral people does not make a follower moral. Whether someone else is going to buy the possessions or not does not make the buyers moral. In this writer’s mind the owners and the buyers of these auctions are all a bunch of scumbags who don’t deserve anyone’s time. Viewers should stop looking at the Storage Wars show before their children see it and deduce that selling off poor people’s things is perfectly moral. If a town or city or state allows these landlords of despair to practice their cold hearted behavior in their districts then they are complicit in this immorality that effects only poor people.
Here’s an idea to be moral and to have some civic pride. If you have a few hundred dollars and feel like helping someone, go to the nearest furniture prison and pay off one or two back rents for people in delinquency. I guarantee that you will be helping poor people and I guarantee you will feel better about having done that than the pride you felt at your graduation.
One solution to the storage unit immorality is for towns and cities to build their own concrete compounds and charge a not-for-profit fee. Rentals can be restricted to local citizens only. These towns should offer complete forgiveness to any renters who have hit rock bottom. One good rule: never throw out or sell somebody’s stuff. Those towns and cities that do this should receive an award for morality above the call of legality.
The whole context of the show is immoral. The stored goods of poor people are auctioned off to strangers. Anyone enjoying this show is either immoral or just too stupid and ignorant to realize when immorality is practiced right under their noses. The winners of these auctions are happy with glee to forage through poor people’s stuff, 99% of which is thrown out, and the show follows every happy moment except those precious moments when poor people's photo albums are thrown in the trash.
If you consider yourself a moral person don’t buy a storage rental compound because you’ll frequently have to make a moral decision whether to sell off the many boxes of someone’s lost dreams, or put it all outside somewhere, like underneath a carport. But if you consider that anything legal you can get away with must be moral, then go ahead and buy one these poor people’s container compounds, you immoral scumbag.
There are a lot of activities that are legal but immoral - here is a short list: It’s immoral and legal to sell cigarettes knowing full well that most of the population of smokers will be killing themselves slowly. It’s a legal offense to all to immorally dodge one’s fair share of taxes. Billing Medicare for something just because the health care providers say it happened and patients won’t check their itemized billing anyway, is immoral. It is immoral to own a bar or lounge miles outside of town with a parking lot that holds the cars of 50 likely drunk drivers. It is legal and immoral to buy a pedigree dog while thousands of perfectly healthy lovable dogs are put to death daily. It is legal and immoral to sit back while your nation begins a clearly unnecessary war that kills thousands. It is legal and immoral to cut back funding for social services based on political hypothesis.
In the minds of the storage unit vultures someone is going to buy this stuff anyway, so why not us! Following the actions of immoral people does not make a follower moral. Whether someone else is going to buy the possessions or not does not make the buyers moral. In this writer’s mind the owners and the buyers of these auctions are all a bunch of scumbags who don’t deserve anyone’s time. Viewers should stop looking at the Storage Wars show before their children see it and deduce that selling off poor people’s things is perfectly moral. If a town or city or state allows these landlords of despair to practice their cold hearted behavior in their districts then they are complicit in this immorality that effects only poor people.
Here’s an idea to be moral and to have some civic pride. If you have a few hundred dollars and feel like helping someone, go to the nearest furniture prison and pay off one or two back rents for people in delinquency. I guarantee that you will be helping poor people and I guarantee you will feel better about having done that than the pride you felt at your graduation.
One solution to the storage unit immorality is for towns and cities to build their own concrete compounds and charge a not-for-profit fee. Rentals can be restricted to local citizens only. These towns should offer complete forgiveness to any renters who have hit rock bottom. One good rule: never throw out or sell somebody’s stuff. Those towns and cities that do this should receive an award for morality above the call of legality.
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