reading popularly now . .

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.

Time Travel Wish can't get no satisfaction! No money to promote discovery, bummed.
4.28.16 request for communication answered. Undeniable circumstance and physical evidence.

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020

VERY IMPORTANT: The "J Symbol" of Christmas 2020
Also from me: Welcome to the 21st Century and the Greatest Discovery Since Fire.

NASA and the metallic looking glove with their insignia

NASA and the metallic looking glove with their insignia
NASA had a hand in this. They must have met the Being, Satan, and struck a deal for ...

World Radiation Report

World Radiation Report
They are warning us by using this TIME TRAVELED IMAGE. I'm certain now, that's a global radiation report. The end will happen.

2 undeniably related communications.

2 undeniably related communications.
2 undeniably related communications

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!
Now IT IS VISIBLE for the WORLD to SEE and have HOPE!

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery

an amateur can spell amatuer either way he likes at Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery
True: Successful before it was created, Time Travel Wish and Paradox One, the discovery


(9) The Psychology of the Confusing Search: The Meaning by Our Actions in Purpose of the Existence of Life

That purpose and meaning are confused as an ethereal or a metaphysical, or even as a spiritual need is but an invention of necessity. These are concepts of our consciousness invented by humankind through millenniums of describing the feeling in our consciousness’s that we are being communicated to by a separate entity. The entity is the id in our subconscious.

The id is a primitively originating function of our subconscious. A mechanism of electrical activity in our brain. First hypothesized by the founder of modern psychology, Sigmund Freud, now neurologically observed. That is all - I am sorry.

The id is primal and sends us messages as feelings that we conceptualize, it is hypothesized to be the most basic part of humans personality. It seeks instant gratification. If these needs or wants are not met, a person will react often mistakenly until the id is satisfied. The meaning of life will not satisfy the id unless we get it right.

This confusion leads us astray as we follow these realistic concepts on journeys are often totally unfulfilled. The purpose of conceptual inventions of the ethereal and metaphysical and the spiritual are to give the concepts of purpose and meaning substantive equivalency in our consciousness. For validity as if to become nearly as true as the human feeling of the physical world. As if these invented concepts were an important force, as if composed of some unknown form of matter to be acknowledged in our lives as genuine. But there is no mass or energy in these purposeful actions. We satisfy the id with those actions. We quiet the voice. We give the ego the right answer.

Many have defined this feeling from our subconscious as the voice of a god of the universe, that resides in the ethereal (the celestial / the heavenly).

But it is an alternate feeling and it is not our purpose.

Many have defined this feeling from our subconscious as the voice of a god of the universe that resides in the ethereal (the celestial / the heavenly). Through very recent human history many people have exploited this perceived presence to convince others that this is evidence of the existence of a god. Those convinced may frequently proclaim “I feel God (or Jesus or the reincarnation of the Buddha or other fictitious gods and prophets) within me.”

It is about six days that the id begins to scream at us again after we are convinced we have satisfied our purpose for being alive. The meaning of the purpose and the purpose for the meaning require maintenance. The id must be fooled again and again.

This is the deceptive trap of the great question. It can cause us to over think the question, then to persistently chase after a satisfying answer; never accepting that the purpose of our existence could ever be explained by nature itself.  

The knowledge of science evolves and changes, as theories evolve, as new discoveries relating to those theories, are made. It consistently contains mystery. This allows many to feel that science has no finality, not absolute or black or white. It is easy for those lacking basic understanding of science, to have no confidence in the facts presented to them. It is not comfortable. It is inconsistent and so unstable. Science is not emotionally comfortable to our consciousness. It requires brain-work. This writer hopes that this searching never does end.  

The stories we create in this biologically compelled quest are determined by our behavior in life. The quest can be an obsession or a casual interest, it can also be spellbinding and romantic or competitive and hostile and dangerous, depressing or joy-filled, dramatic or dull, intellectual or numbing, or satisfying or disappointing.

If not understood, and then accepted as a biologic drive early in the quest, the search more often results in a grand waste of time. We humans are good at denying to ourselves, and to others that the search has been unsatisfactorily futile - if a confident truthful answer is the goal.

Because those who search in the ancient assumptions of philosophers, whose body of knowledge was a small fragment of modern knowledge, the search is a confusing and emotional ride through humanity’s view of itself; ignorant, grandiose, human-centric.

It is common among the brain strong, the intellectuals, to experience an epiphany of the great question, often too late, in the dying years. To hide their shame, or hide their dementia, they may keep the answer silent.  

But if you are near one of these intellects, you may one day hear them laugh out loud for seemingly no reason. Then perhaps occasionally giggle for a few days. Then remorse sets-in for what they could have done with their lives, had they gained this realization in their lives, then long silence.

continued: The Burden that Drives Us.

All Rights Reserved: James Gray Mason, 2014, 2015, 2016.

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