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(3) The Hypothesis: The Meaning by Our Actions in Purpose of the Existence of Life

Glossary and definitions links used in essay:
(order of appearance in essay)

Universe:In astronomy / cosmology:  Meaning:In speech / language:  Gravity:In physics:  Ignorance:In speech / language:  Energy:In physics:  Philosophy:In literature / observation:   Mass:In physics:  Astrophysics-cal:In astronomy:  Density:In physics:  Evolution:As process in  science:  Astronomical:In science:  Enlightenment:As era in history:  Biological:In Science   Consistent: In speech / language:  Spacetime:In astrophysics:  Observation:In science:  Purpose:In speech / language:  Protoplanet:In astronomy:  Transformation:As process in science:  Electron:In quantum physics:  Grandiose:In speech / psychology:  Star:In astronomy:  Sustain -abilty:In biology / ecology:  Accretion:In astronomy:  Life:In biology:  Planetary body:In astronomy:  Galaxy:In astronomy:  Elements:In chemistry:  Solar System:In astronomy:  Nebula:In astronomy:   Cytoplasm:In biology:  Orbit:In astrophysics:  Cell:In biology:  Nova/Super:In astronomy / star evolution:  Matter:In science / astrophysics:  Red Giant:In astronomy / stellar evolution:  Nature:In science:  Genetic:In biology:  Electrical Activity:In biology / neurology: Consciousness:In psychology / neurology:  Interactivity: In science / sociology  Subconscious:In psychology / neurology:  Human:As species:  Egocentric:In psychology:  Adaptation:As process in evolution:  Believe/belief:In language / speech:  Intrinsic:In speech / language:  Validation (self):In psychology:  Hypothesis:In science:  Denial:In psychology:  Metaphysical:In speech / language:  Defense Mechanism:In psychology:  Concept:In speech / language/construct:  Spiritual:In speech / psychology:  God:In beliefs / theology / psychology  Ethereal:In speech / language:  Messenger RNA:In biology/reproduction:  HoxGenes:In genetics:  

       Through scientific observation humanity has only recently gathered enough data to formulate this hypothesis. I feel confident that one day it will be accepted as the theory of the meaning through our actions in purpose of the existence of life. Below I connect the data using my knowledge of astronomy, physics, biology, chemistry, evolution, psychology and spirituality. I let go of the written philosophies of the “great question,” of our past many centuries of growth away from greater ignorance. I embrace my understanding of our current body of knowledge just as many philosophers of the past have done. In hypothesis I take stabs at the practical purposes for what I see and for what others have told us all we can now see if we look.

Broadly I use a mixture of philosophies and the movements spawned from their modern wisdom of those unique times on Earth. They were called several things during the era of several centuries referred to by many as the time of “Enlightenment.” It was a time in the western hemisphere when fear of the Catholic Church had begun to subside but the memory of its atrocities remained. When severe punishment for anything resembling heresy became less frequent. A time when clever names were attached to categories of the study of nature to hide their feared and inevitable and often logical outcome: the loss of God and of gods. But unfortunately that era continues. The names for some of the pathways of thought I use in this essay were called: Natural Philosophy, Natural Science, the Philosophy of Science, Logical Positivism, the Hypothetical Deductive Model, Coherentism and other sub-categories of thought. Each were distinct and always of observations. The latest were always using more knowledge and seeming more accepting and lenient, enlightened and somewhat less philosophical of their predecessors of that type of realized philosophical reasoning. Each was a hybrid of results of the former thought of the study of nature, of science. Each was strongly related to answering the great question: what is the meaning of life?

Each it seems to many of us was still carrying a veritable tail behind it. There was an answer we did not have and we struggled to put our finger on it. It was the paradox of the meaning of life and or its purpose. We chase that tail and enjoy doing this, sometimes we hate it and we find only misery.

Inquisition Court. An intellectual is sent to be tortured.

page 4:

3/8/2015: Comment from Quora member:

Thanks for messaging me. I read your article. It is more of literature and poetry, isn't it? I didn't exactly understand it entirely. Just so that you know, I am a Christian."

"I see. You got uncomfortable after page 3. It is difficult to move beyond beliefs. To understand this hypothesis as literature you need to accept that evolution is a process of nature and of this universe. You need to accept decades of discovery in psychology, theology, cultural anthropology, astronomy, astrophysics, biology . . . You are welcome to point out where you have found a missing link in this article. Thank you for at least going there _______. :-)

Copyright Reserved, James G. Mason, 2014, October.

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